We use Thermoform doors for our
new and refaced cabinets.
There are multiple door styles and well over a hundred colours. You can come view samples in our showroom or visit the supplier website to see colours and door styles.
In many respects, thermoformed doors are more resilient than wood. Thermoform has an excellent warranty program, and you can come to us with concerns and we will work with Thermoform on your behalf.
Refacing cabinets uses your existing boxes and layouts.
While new cabinets will have Thermoform sides and faces to match the doors, refacing can save money by only updating the doors and you possibly painting the existing cabinet boxes. Because we aren’t taking out old boxes, this minimizes “surprises” that come with taking them out, like replacing flooring or redoing electrical.
We are not able to reface over anything that has been painted or in poor shape. Because these situations are so unique, we encourage photographs so that we can see what we’re working with. Please send these to grant@btops.ca or visit our Contact page to begin your consultation.